perusing this thread, I find myself thinking that the words being argued over apply equally to men
nothing will change in the real world, but the attitudes being revealed tell a sad story of why so many churches are loveless and dying
I can't see any reason I would want to be a part of any church where men actually thump the Bible and demand women put a zipper in it
this is an ignorant and hateful attitude. again, I don't really want a woman pastor myself, but as a woman, I have many good things to say...and I have I might church and helped people...I am convinced that God skirts around the attitudes revealed here and blesses women with the ability to speak on His behalf and move with the leading of His Spirit and he blesses the work of their hands and the words they speak
whether or not you like it, God loves women and many women have a heart for God that many men could take example from
it is more than obvious, that many women are written of in the Bible...especially the New Testament...that did serve God in equal capacity with men
notice in the OT, women were often almost or actually, chattel
it is only AFTER Jesus is resurrected, that we see ourselves liberated to love God and worship Him and perhaps we have the best reasons of all to do so
I wish women would quit this thread and allow the hard hearts of certain men to continue. you are speaking into the wind because God does not bless the ears of such hard hearts to hear any but their own words. people seem to be getting angrier and nothing is resolved
women's outrage in this thread is understood best by women, although certainly a good number of men defend our hearts
even after this thread is either closed or dies a natural death, due to lack of participation, another will erupt of the same genre and intent
constantly telling others what God says to them, in condemnation and obvious anger, is not the work of God's Spirit
women, are you convinced in your heart that you are following the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life?
then continue in good conscience because God is ultimately the One we live before and answer to
again, wishing the good ladies would leave off and allow the thread to die
just my thoughts. hugs. lovely day where I live and hope your day is also wonderful whether or not the sun is shining, the Son we believe in, sheds His light on us all