I believe that the most important thing that God wants for us is to put us in right relationship with Him. Everything is about fixing what was broken. The purpose of saving us and bringing us to a place where we can have a relationship is to have that relationship. That is the end goal. He made us in His image for a purpose. Our purpose is for that relationship. Salvation and forgiveness makes it possible. What he wants for us, is in effect, Him. Please forgive the simplicity of my thinking.
I especially like your second to last statement "What he wants for us is, in effect, Him". That is both simple and profound. And ought to be pondered much.
The danger I see (not accusing you of this because I don't know much about you) is that people are able to use the words without comprehending the extent of the meaning or the power behind them. And they don't seek it out.
There is a church that I visit fairly regularly that has all the instruments, music, microphones, lights, sound systems, projection screens, etc. They sing, dance, lift up their hands, smile, laugh, shake everybody's hands, etc. They go through all the motions and rituals and encourage others to join them...But they've got nothing behind it. I heard someone describe them this way..."I've never seen people try so hard to serve God without actually getting it done." (or something to that effect). What that person was recognizing is that those people "have a form of godliness, but are denying the power thereof". Meaning they found a way to say the right words and do the actions without an ounce of power being behind it. (Amazing!). And the sad thing is they proclaim the same words that you were using (which are pretty much right words)... "It's all about relationship" <--It's actually one of their main catch phrases.
But when I compare the quality of their "relationship" with that of those mentioned in the bible like Moses, David, Jonah, any of the apostles, Cornelius, or even the 12 unnamed disciples in Acts 19:1-7, etc. I see a whole different level of "relationship". In the relationships described in the Bible, I see a relationship where God shows up and does something for them. Answers their prayers, works miracles, directs their actions even personally or through angels, if need be. He's not a deadbeat dad so to speak. He does way more than send them a few letters and call it good.
That difference in the level of relationship is one of the things I saw lacking in my own life...which is why I started seeking God more earnestly. Especially when my ability to create problems exceeded my ability to solve those problems. I needed (wanted to serve) a real God. A biblical scale God. A God who would stand up for me like he stood up for the children of Israel. A God who could and would fix problems. Not a powerless church version of God.
And what did I find when I started seeking God like that...like he is still the kind of God he was in the bible...and ought to still be willing to stand up and support his children like he did in those biblical examples? I found out that He IS still like that! He will still speak. He will still move, heal, etc. And he will still stand up for his children. And it's awesome to be a part of it!
Then I (as well as others who've sought him desperately ) come in here to tell people that "Hey, God wants to do more for you than what you've had so far. Here are some of the specific things he's got for you and how they are accomplished." And encourage others to seek him out... until they find
HIM... not a group of people who say words we like to hear but have no power.
"For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." (1 Corinthians 4:20 KJV)
I know your post didn't ask for this much response, but sometimes a person just needs to vent. Thanks for listening.
Love in Jesus,
"It is enough for the disciple that he be [not just claim to be]
as his master, and the servant as his lord. ..." Matt 10:25 KJV