I sympathize with you on a human level (though I disagree with the Charismatic sect).
Unfortunately it's the nature of this type of non-face to face communication. Years ago, before becoming a believer, I participated in worldly discussion forums (Home Theater topics, etc.).
But years later, after becoming a believer, I decided to join a discussion forum relating to Christianity. I think I posted one response to a topic (probably the only post I ever made on that site years ago) and I was shocked to find the same type of rudeness as on the worldly sites I used to frequent. I stopped posting on that site (probably around 2008) and I only now just recently decided to explore the Christian discussion boards again. After finding this one I decided to give it another go; especially since I am now much more acquainted with the scriptures.
But I was once again seeing spirit troubling behavior by professed believers on this forum as well. I nearly abandoned this site as well, but decided to stick it out and quench those fiery darts with the shield of faith.
Well yes, our flesh gets the best of us sometimes. I see disturbing stuff, for sure. We often take ease and comfort rebuking and reproaching others, feeling that is our calling but unable to be on the receiving end of stuff. And we tend to have our flesh at the helm, all while saying, with actions and words, that it is the calling to be unkind and unmerciful, mocking, clicking, gathering support from others to pounce. Um no not so good.
However, I have witnessed, a great deal of humility, growth, ownership, graceful rebuke, edifying encouragement, prayer and care, accountability, sound and reasonable reasoning and teaching, all of which I give all the Glory to our Lord because every good thing is His.
So yes, anywhere online and off, we will witness and face ugliness from us humans,

, ourselves included. For me, that points to how we will always need Jesus and His mercy. We, praise the Lord, will always have work to do, thankfully His ever working Self helps us. We need Him desperately.
Lord, help us be different than the world, help us to find the line and walk the line that brings honor and glory to You. And when we stumble, Lord help us to examine and recognize, repenting and moving forward in a manner pleasing to You. Help us to be merciful to others and ourselves so that we don't waste precious time in muddling in our responses and feelings. Help us not to assume the worst in one another. Lord, You know I am just as guilty of taking comfort in my fleshly tendencies. Help guard our softened hearts given. We know Your grace is sufficient and we know You are Holy. We thank You for Your goodness and for the family You provide.
I am glad You remind us that we are called to be set apart.