----continued from Pt1----
The Plan of God is...
1st work | 2nd work | 1st work
And this plan is proclaimed over and over and over and over and over and over again throughout scripture, and especially proclaimed in the holy relationship between a husband and a wife (in fulfillment of Romans 1:20).
Question: How does a father create children?
Answer: By splitting his bride in Holy union (also called "marriage"). This Holy work births new life.
Bride (half) | Husband's body | Bride (half)
The world eagerly awaits the manifestation of the
God's children...but in order for that to occur the full plan of God must be accomplished: Marriage Consummation/Union (
2 works divided into
3 stages). First the bride's work (with Christ
descended; in flesh)...then the body's work
in the middle breaching/splitting the bride (with Christ
ascended; in spirit)...then the bride's work again (with Christ
descending; in flesh).
God promised Abraham (the man of faith)
many children, so he cut a (marriage) covenant with him:
Animal halves | Lord’s passing in the middle | Animal halves
After Abraham cut the pieces, the Lord then passed between the halves as a "burning torch" (male symbol) and "smoking oven" (female symbol)...symbolizing future "sons" and "daughters" of faith.
Then in my first post on this thread, I spoke about Jacob/Israel having two wives: his "1st bride" Leah (had weak eyes) and "2nd bride" Rachel (who birth his favorite children) was given last as well as birthed last. But as a prophecy of the plan of God in Christ, it would've been more accurate if I called them "1st bride half" and "2nd bride half"; that *both* Leah and Rachel prophetically represent The Bride, who was
split in half by Christ and his work.
Leah | Israel's Work | Rachel
Bride (kingdom) | Christ work | Bride (kingdom)
And for another example, recall the seemingly "out of place" scene of Judah's twin sons being birthed in a strange way (Gen 38:27-30). It was out of place because the entire narrative was about Joseph until that chapter. Notice that Perez
splits the birth of Zerah. Zerah means "(sun)light" while Perez means "breaker/breach".
Zerah (light) | Perez (breach) | Zerah (light)
(...and Christ was from the line of Perez; Matt 1:3)
Then there's Zechariah 4 speaking the same plan of God, only this time the vision is literally called "'The Word of God' to Zerubabbel (to "seed of Babylon"). Zech is told the same
2-work / 3-stage plan of God to establish his kingdom on earth, saying "
Not by power (conquering) or might (force) but by my Spirit...Zerubabbel laid the foundation and his hands will finish it." Again two similar olive trees are
split by a lamp stand; the same marriage symbol.
Bride (half) | Husband's body | Bride (half)
Olive Tree | Lamp Stand | Olive Tree
(Christ is called "the light of the world", and so is his body)
Zechariah then continues with vision after vision of the same plan. In Zechariah 4:14, The Lord of the earth
splits the two Anointings:
The Anointed standing by | The Lord of Earth | The Anointed standing by
(Christ is The Lord of the Earth)
This is even confirmed because many in the
Body of Christ continue to expectantly await the 2nd outpouring of the Holy Spirit anointing because on the whole we can't perform them like the early apostles did)...but it's the olive trees that produce the "Anointing Oil", not the Lamp Stand in the middle. Then we have...
Zechariah 5:6-9 - Wickedness splits the two women with wings
woman w/wings | “wickedness” | woman w/wings
("Wickedness" is taken to "shinar", which means "Babylon", like in Revelation; Mystery Babylon
Also in Revelation 12, the woman of Light is given "wings")
Zechariah 6:1 - War Chariots split the bronze mountains
bronze mountain | war chariots | bronze mountains
In revelation, it's Christ (the one who's in the middle in several of these visions) who looses the seals of the 4 horsemen. While in Daniel 2, the "mountain" prophetically represents God's "government", hence God's government / The Kingdom is
split by the tribulation of war, famine, sickness & death.
There are even other events sprinkled throughout scripture - including many in Christ's own ministry - that continue to testify to the plan of God.
Exodus 25:22 - God's glory split the cherubs
Cherub | God's glory/light | Cherub
(...and Christ is called the glory of God)
2 Kings 2:11 - Fiery Chariots from heaven split both who would have the same spirit.
Elijah | Fiery Chariots | Elisha
(...then there are those chariots again; again in the middle, the same as above)
Luke 23:32 - Christ was crucified in the middle of the two thieves
Thief | Christ Crucified | Thief
Mark 10:35-40 - Christ speaks of his right and left being prepared by God
disciple on his right | Christ seated | disciple on his left
And there are even more than this sprinkled all throughout scripture. By aligning each of these events & visions by their common pattern, one's able to see layer upon layer of God's plan in order to understand "why" certain events have transpired as they have in recent biblical history...it's no different than the diligent study Daniel put forth to figure out the timing of Israel's exile.
The plan of God is to establish his kingdom by begetting his children, and that plan entails
splitting his bride in half, which - in the spiritual - means God's 1st work (the bride) must be
split by God's 2nd work (the Body of Christ).
Stage 1: The bridegroom
descended to establish the kingdom of God (his bride), who's recognized as his assembly (i.e. his Apostles and disciples who followed him in Spirit and Truth). The kingdom of God - his bride - was truly here, both John the baptist testified to it as well as did Christ on several occasions.
When Paul wrote about it in Ephesians 5:31 he was writing to these people in this group...but Paul also began writing about those entering in who were "not of us"...
Stage 2: Then the kingdom of God was
breached. There was a
break, where the original way was corrupted by paganism. The manifested power of the Holy Spirit (which was always a sign of the kingdom/bride) began waining away, and man established "institutions" around the truth to "lord" over others; taking the kingdom by force. This led to wickedness, wars and persecution of all those who refused to accept doctrines over the faith once delivered to the saints. But at the same time the bread of salvation was still offered to the gentiles/nations (albeit with "leaven" in it). The time of the gentiles begins...claiming the scriptures as their own (in effect, trampling the "courtyard"). This is the body of Christ, who's work it is to be "crucified" (i.e. body broken in thousands of denominations) to reconcile the world to God. This is why the body of Christ - as it is today - is not the bride. It is Christ's body.
Stage 3: But there's coming a time when the time of the Gentiles must end, and the work must revert back to the original way. Where all of the "wickedness" (leaven) must be purged, and the unleavened bread of the gospel will be preached. This is when the 2nd outpouring of the Holy Spirit (olive tree) will fall on people leading to the
2nd advent of Christ. Once this stage begins, the Marriage Consummation (which Daniel confirms happens at the "end" of days) will be complete. Then the Children of God will be birthed (i.e. resurrected and transformed into light [Zerah/Rachel]).
The bride | The Body of Christ | The bride
This is what has been revealed to me ins study.