That LIE is a Perversion that You do not get saved until you speak in tongues. It was as Thorough as the Holy Spirit wanted me to write, and not page more, though I could have written a whole book on that supject. So it is in 9 segments, and it is written to encourage the Non-Charismatic that their opinions are CORRECT. IN FACT IN MY OPINION, I believe there is no such thing any more, because it CEASED when the PURPOSE WAS COMPLETED for TONGUES. That Purpose was to CONFIRM to UNBELIEVING JEWS that the New Testament was as MUCH the WORD of GOD as the Old Testament.
THAT IS A CONFUSED LIE, that takes your eyes OFF JESUS, and puts them FIRMLY ON THE so-called Miraculous Gifts. I will not discuss it here, but I will refer you one of MY THREADS, where I discussed it Thoroughly.
NO, I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A DEBATE OF THIS RIDICULOUS SUBJECT, AT ALL. But for those who are of the Non-Charismatic TRUTH, who want to know more, HEAR IS A LENGTHY, THOROUGH, and VERY BIBLICAL STUDY ON the True Spiritual TONGUES, and why I consider the Modern Day
tongues, a pure Counterfeit. I entitled this study:
Yes, I do clearly present this subject CLEARLY, ACCURACTLY, and it even includes some very worth while Personal Testimonies, that those who want to be it is the
Real McCoy, when in my personal Opinion, it is PURELY a COUNTERFEIT.