I wonder if much of the tension in this thread stems from an unnecessary conflation of concepts. If I'm picking up the gist of the discussion correctly, we generally agree that homosexual acts are sinful. There is debate on whether the motivations behind those acts are also sinful. The temptation to sin is not, by itself, sin.
There is also discussion on how to minister the gospel to a person who professes homosexual preferences, tendencies, or history. Here's where I agree with Mitspa: the truth must be told. However, the truth must be told in love, and that is where we as Christians often fail. If we are so busy hating the sin (rightly) that the sinner perceives the hatred as personal, we're doing something wrong. We need to love people to repentance, not bludgeon them into avoiding Christ. Loving them includes telling them the truth about sin and judgment, but it also includes affirming their personhood, their identity as the (tarnished) image of God, their potential to be joined to His family, and especially that they too are loved by our heavenly Father. After all, isn't the Gospel 'good news'?